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The best way to start a full-stack, typesafe Next.js app

Typesafe From The Start

We made create-t3-app to do one thing: Streamline the setup of typesafe Next.js apps WITHOUT compromising modularity.

After countless projects and many years on this tech, we have lots of opinions and insights. We've done our best to encode them into this CLI.

This is NOT an all-inclusive template. We expect you to bring your own libraries. Check out our other recommendations for things like state management and deployment

Well loved in production (and on Twitter)

Our users make ship happen

Mention create-t3-app if you want to pop up here ;)

@synecdokey's Avatar

Finally had the chance to play with @trpcio and it's scary how easy it makes to make your data flow, with full type safety and backend validation. With create-t3-app and @supabase, I was able to create a simple to-do app with auth in less than 3 hours, scary.

@royanger's Avatar

create-t3-app is amazing. I worked on a MVP over the last 10 days on the side, and easily built it out using the stack. Working with data via tRPC was amazing. Try out the t3 stack, or at least tRPC.

@jonhigger's Avatar

If you're a Rails developer, you should give full stack TS frameworks a try. @remix_run's stacks or @pingdotgg's create-t3-app are two great options. If you learn these tools, your long term productivity will be faster than Rails. The performance benefits are just a side bonus.